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The Directors:


Henry Shriber

To me film making is survival. The skills it has taught me on how to think on my feet and persevere in the midst of turmoil has been invaluable for my day to day life.  


Crooked River is a short film that is defined by its ability to adapt by staying true to its story. Despite the challenges it's production faced because of my ambition for the project and its scope. It would mean the world to us if you support the three films by attending the premiere. It has been my dream to showcase student filmmaking, celebrate the artistry of independent films that are driven by one's vision over their resources, and emphasize the community that prospers when a shared appreciation for a creative pursuit is felt. 

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Isabella Jennings

Filmmaking is just a way to express myself, I like to tell stories but I’m not good at writing so I can tell stories with a visual component.  Filmmaking is also a good way to meet people, I’m not the most social person so it forces me to get out there. 


In terms of Henry’s nouveau it is a story about things I don’t understand, I’m not religious so the question of what comes after death is the main premise my film explores. I’m also not a fan of romantic movies so I wanted to create a movie that seems romantic but slowly reveals itself to go against those tropes.

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Logan Sarzalejo

Film gives you the opportunity to escape the real world and become invested in different worlds and characters that are more fantastical than our own. I have the wonderful opportunity to write those stories that so many of us have become invested in.


I began developing Searching for Solace a few years back, it was a story  that could've fit into a 2 minute short film. It has grown into something much larger than I ever expected thanks to my amazing cast and crew. This film is about personal growth and learning to focus on the things we love. The main character Kyran struggles with the reality that we shouldn't have to worry about things that matter today or tommorow but to look to the future and focus on the things we are passionate about.

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